Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Dig


So here's the gig of The Dig. (Can I get a wut-wut?)

Storyline: Asteroid comes up to earth and says, "Hey I'm an asteroid. You're all gonna die!" NASA says, "Pshh, heeeck no, we be blowin' you up, sucka!"

NASA sends a team of 5:
Crew goes "Whammo Blammo!" Asteroid goes *dies* and crew goes "OMGBBQ, SECRET CREVICE!!!11!!1!" Crew invesitigates (minus the pilots, as they're being very pilot-y and very non-explore-y) and Asteroid goes "Mwahaha, I'm actually a spaceship!" *WHOOOSH!* Crew goes "HOLY CRAP! Abandoned alien world! How do we get home?"

Released: 1995 (a full 3 years BEFORE that cliché movie Armageddon
Directed by: Steven Spielberg (yes, video games have directors)

This game had me and my sister transfixed time after time after time. A little more tech-savvyness and a little less laziness, I'd jimmy up this game onto my compooper in a heartbeat. Any readers who may be blessed with both should do just that.

5 out of 5: Absolutely Rad.

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