Monday, December 8, 2008

Gratitude Week Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

After a delay, I want to continue my gratitude week!

I'm grateful for the power of Jesus Christ to heal without a scar. I'm grateful that even when I act in ways which don't work for me, and even when I represent Christ in a way that he would not act, he forgives me and gathers me under his wings. I'm grateful for the chance to change, for the chance to learn who he TRULY is, not just my arrogant portrayal.

I'm grateful for my family! They never give up on me. I'm grateful for my mom, who lets me be whoever I want to be and loves me no matter what. I'm grateful for my dad, who supports me through thick and thin, laughs at my jokes, and makes me feel like the beautiful, empowered, rad woman that I am. I'm grateful for Mike, Laura, and Ella and the beautiful time it was my privilege to share with them. I'm grateful for LIZ!!! She looks out for me. She always, ALWAYS has and I'm grateful to her! I'm grateful for my wonderful aunts and uncles who have watched me grow and have given me so much love along the way. I'm grateful for cousins who are as close as siblings, who laugh with me, cry with me, and blow up snowmen with me.

I'm grateful for friends! Holy cow. I'm grateful for people who could hold a grudge who choose not to. I am SO GRATEFUL for people who believe in me when I choose to not believe in myself. I'm grateful for New Era Trainings. I'm grateful for what it stands for, and the world of possibilities that I've been able to reawaken in myself from my experiences there. I'm grateful for what my family and friends have been able to experience as a result of me going through this so far. I'm excited for new possibilities for the future!

I'm grateful for dancing! For YEARS I told myself that I can't dance, but I finally, FINALLY have begun to give myself a chance, and I really LOVE DANCING!!!

I'm grateful for strength, courage and wisdom. I've recently rediscovered that I'm chalk full of all of them - even when I think I'm not.

I'm grateful for the healing power of art, in all its forms. I'm SO grateful for music, oil pastels, paint, clay and pencils.

I'm grateful for my computer! It's taken some hard knocks over the last couple weeks, and it's still standing strong.

I'm grateful for being able to hang out in a tank top and feel freaking sexy.

I'm grateful to be beautiful.


Jenny said...

Awesome post. I am also grateful for Art. It is incredible how empowering the ability to create can be. Enjoy the tanks the next few weeks, soon it will be over....

Unknown said...

I want to dance. You have inspired me!