Friday, October 24, 2008

Prop 8

I want to post a few things about how I feel about Proposition 8, but before I do, I wanted to warn any readers who I know this is an extremely sensitive issue for. If your mind's made up on this issue, then I'd like to congratulate you and I encourage you to go out and vote for what you think is best knowing that you absolutely have my full blessing! However, if you would like more information about the Yes on Prop 8 side of the issue, then I encourage you to read on.

I'd like to start with a funny overview that I found tonight on a friend's site:

My institute director at my church in Berkeley, Brother Celaya, composed a couple of really incredible entries on his blog about Prop 8. I'd like to refer you to there also. Here is the first entry and Here is the second. Brother Celaya is one of the most kind, sincere, and intelligent men that I've ever known.

Finally, is pretty much the webular guru in regards to information about this Yes standpoint. Please check it out, it's EXTREMELY useful.

Now that you have access to many references, I'd like to just close by saying that I care deeply about this issue, and I care deeply about my friends. I have friends who are straight who feel so incredibly troubled about this issue and I send them my love and support. Many of my best friends are living a gay and lesbian lifestyle. I love them deeply and will honor their God-given right to choose whatever lifestyle that they'd like to choose, and hope that they will honor the life that I have chosen for myself.

I love you all, and thank you for taking your time to read my blog!

Poke me enough and you get a response!

Hi guys!

I've had 3 people talk to me about wanting me to blog again in the past week, so I get to give you guys an update! And it's going to be a good one.

First the Big News! I have a film that will be appearing in a film festival on the 25th, so less than 48 hours away! Don't believe me? Go to this site for the proof. The film's called "You Should Watch This" and you get to watch it by clicking on the video below!

Also, I've completed a SECOND film since that one, and it was definitely a lot of fun. The story behind it is that I sat next to a practitioner of Falun Dafa, and we wound up chatting for the entire plane ride, which was 4 hours long. She told me about the persecution that followers of the practice have been forced to endure in mainland China which are lightly touched on in the film, so let me show that to you:

There's a lot more information about the persecution that is going on at The stuff that these guys have gone through is just absolutely wrong and we need to do something about it. The best solution would be for the American government to put more pressure on the Chinese Communist Party to put an end to the persecution. If we were in a similar situation, I'd only hope that someone would do the same for us. So write your congressman. Get whatever wheels turning that you can.

And the final news I'm going to share even though there's much, MUCH more to tell is that I've completed my first website! Check it out: