I've never seen this movie, but I about lost it here in the library when I saw this picture on facebook:
Striving to get a larger image of it, I let me fingers do the walking, matey, and ar be finding these (why is that said in PirateSpeak? 'cause I wanted to.):
This almost makes me want to see the movie. Almost.
After failed attempts at jimmying up code to embed the linked video to ze blogge, it's apparent that however nerdy I may be, my nerdy skills are not quite on that level as of yet. But the video really made me think. Love the concept, and I think it'd be freaking rad to implement, what with power problems that we're going to have once fossil fuel is gone. ("But Where's the Fossil Fuel Gone?")
And I have a question to ask the infinitely deep void of the internet. I'm wondering how natural power sources like this stand up against EMP's. I don't know enough about how either phenomenon actually WORK and what apparatus is actually altered in each respective process to answer my question. What does an EMP actually destroy in electronic devices? Is it just things that can be soldered back together, or is it more the gunk inside the chips that are soldered to the motherboards? Power sources like these seem simple enough, mostly magnets and friction. So anyone have a guess as to whether an EMP will make building these things impossible, if that EMP were big enough to affect the whole country? Anyway, I hope they do stand up to it. Then, if some nutter EMP's America's brains back to the 1800's, I'll at least have a method of getting a gnarly bolt of static electricity that I can use to fight off the impending zombie revolution. My other plan was to capture and train a Pikachu. I should upgrade to Raichu, you say? Pshh whatevs. They're sooo not as cute as Pikachu. Wouldn't want to be seen on the streets with a Raichu, would I?